Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Bahasa Melayu.
Oh man how much I hated my BM teacher! It was so obvious his FAVORITE student was IQIN. Everything Qin did was always RIGHT and everything we did was always WRONG. He caused me my GoodStudent reputation!
He sent me off to the discipline room, TWICE! Qin didn't finish the same section of our BM homework,
YET he said it was okay but when I told him I didn't finish that section too, he sent me off to the discipline room.
I was cursing him in my head all the way to the DR! And I had to waste my energy writing; I WILL COMPLETE MY HOMEWORK -.-' NEVER even got a B. :/
I thought she was annoying but as time elapse, I grew to like her. but, during BM lessons I would scribble around
and every once in a while I would pretend to ask a question. Just to make it seem like I was paying attention. Haha. I was as they say, cheeky :) got a B, but not A :/
I love her so much! She's always nice to my classmates and I. I understood everything she taught. I like her style of teaching. I used to hate studying BM. but now, I just DISLIKE studying BM :) Still no A, :(

PMR; The night before the big exam, I cried because I didn't know the meaning of A LOT of words.
I started panicking and simply cried. I was so stressed out, ask my mum. She knows.
PMR PAPER: It was so hard! My hands were shaking. When we got out of the hall, I felt like crying but sya said "No use crying over spilt milk, you guys". So I held my tears. Cause she was RIGHT. We can't do anything now.

Bahasa Inggeris
Oh I liked her a lot! She was sort of a perfectionist but she was reallt nice and neat. I loved her handwriting. She was the first to teach me what I needed to know. UPSR and PMR is different. We are on a different standard, I can't keep on writing like a TWELVE year old. My vocabs must be better than before. Scored and A for Final Exam :)
I loved her! She was so strict (she was a discipline teacher) and yet SO FUNNY. We hanged out with her on the last day of school. She was, I must say, the most hardrock teacher EVER! Hahaha :D She was like the English version of Pn.Che Yam :) Aww , I miss Pn.Che Yam :'( Kept Acing my tests :)
Oh another discipline teacher. I liked her style of teaching. I understood everything she taught :) And with her, I have to complete my homework! hahaha. I scored A except during Intervensi 2 or 3 and trials. So sad :/

PMR; I was a little nervous but also excited. I answered with ease. Except one or two questions. Even my paper2, I could write well. Except Section A. I didn't quite understand in what form do they want us to write. So I was happy with my English paper :)

I didn't understand a thing -.-' Always got Cs and stuff. :/ Didn't finish my homework either. Haha
Failed once. Cried so hard. Started to pay attention in class. Got a B. A major improvement ;)
I love my class teacher! :) She rocks! She taught me EVERYTHING I NEEDED to know. And since then, I scored As for my Maths :) <3 My tuition teacher too! He's one of the best maths teachers :D

Wasn't really nervous. I was ready. :) Just rechecked my formulae. Answered with EASE. :)

Ohmygod. I didn't understand anything he taught. I just copied all the answers to his exercises. Never really studied for any tests except the final exam. Couldn't get an A :/
My science teacher WAS SO FUNNY! Hahaha he kept on making stupid jokes. But, I got an A because of him! :)
I loved Science. Went to tuition with my Form2 teacher. My new Science teacher wasn't bad too. I just had to pay attention in class and I got everything! :) Haha Only during Electricity I think, I wanted to cry because I couldn't get it. xD Got As most of the times and I even got the highest score once! :D

PMR; I rememorized the formulas and I was prepared to answer the papers. During Paper 2, I freaked out because I couldn't get to answer a lot :/ It was so hard especially about pollination :/ I kept on flipping the pages.

Slept once in class. Haha well HISTORY is boring okay? I paid attention in class until we started learning about Sabah and Sarawak. Because it was boring me. Don't believe? Check out my form1 history text book. It's filled with sketches :D NEVER ever got a B. :/
I loved SEJARAH! We learnt about the English coming to our country. And I pretty much loved and understood it :)
Got a B a few times.
Mygod SEJARAH was so boring! I wanted to sleep my way out of EVERY class. Haha but, I couldn't. My Sejarah teacher cracked stupid jokes every lesson. Although his jokes aren't funny, but to watch him LAUGH at every NON-funny joke made it SUPER funny! HAHAHA :D Got my first A during TRIALS. Was as happy as a lark :D

PMR; I squeezed my brain with form1, form2 and form3 stuff. Didn't manage to COMPLETE all three text books. Started NERV-RACKING. PMR was so hard, I cried after the paper. Ask Riss and Lul. They were there! xD

It was so EASY! I ACEd every exam :) Hahaha. LOVED my geo teacher. Oh how I miss her. She married a Perak-ian, i think? so she moved there with him :(
Err I was so lazy. I didnt complete my homework, classwork. After mid year, I started paying attention in class and I got a B -.-' Well that what you get if you dont study. :/
I really tried to understand everything but It was just so hard! I couldn't get an A. :/

PMR; Started studying during Raya. I started liking Geo :) HAHA then the night before Geo exam. I read everything I could. Even the next morning. And THANK GOD, pretty much everything I read came out! I was so grateful and I smiled answering EACH and every question! :) It was with, i must say, EASE :)

KH-Perdagangan dan Keusahawanan
Aced EVERY test! Huahahaha ;D I loved my KH teacher. She was so strict, but she was great at her job! :)
Same teacher. never studied. Got a B for final exam :/
Couldn't get a B at all. It was always C. :/ Read all those stupid Electronic stuff. I hated it.

PMR; Studied the night before with my tuition teacher. We did exercises and he made us understand most of them.
KH was the last paper, finished answering, COULDN'T wait to be free. Checked once. And glanced at the clock. HAHAHA Though, I thought KH was so-so. Not so HARD not so EASY. :/

Pendidikan ISLAM
My ustazah was SO NICE and her voice was so soft. I never finished my homework. Chatted with Yen, Leesa and Qin throughout the class. Always ACED :)
Same teacher. same attitude. Only now it's with Sya. But we sometimes listen to ustazah :) ACED
Different teacher. Very strict too. All my homework, DONE AND DONE. Hahaha. Sya and I chatted every once in a while. And Sya always gets caught talking :X HAHAHAHA . Ace :)

Read a few Sirah stuff, MUCH easier than BM, so I was quite happy :) Although, I didn't know the answer for Sirah questions. But I did okay :)

So in the end, I got 7A 1B. Alhamdulillah. :)

I would like to thank everyone who helped me out :)
Especially to my parents, my teachers, my family and my friends <3
I don't know what I'll do without you.
The BIGGEST THANK YOU goes to God. :)


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