Sunday, December 13, 2009


He sees what I see
and he knows what I know

That's right.

I woke up at 5am this morning.
It's 13th December! not 12th.
Argh, just forget it then.

Anyway, i guess people do grow mature huh?
Guess who texted me last night.
Go on, GUESS.
Okay okay I'll tell you. geez -.-'

Bad. not bad as in jahat
but Bad as in Naz's football senior.
Or ex senior? Haah. something like that.
The one who texted me last during Raya.

For closure maybe? HAHAHA
so he texted and i replied since
that story was way in the past.
We did however, get to that part of the story.
The feelings he used to have for me?
Yeah so I said, "Haha cerita lama kan? takpe takpe"
And he said, "Yeah. lame sgt tu. Sekarang aku dah matang sikit"

Good good. Haha :D
So yeah I guess we're friends now.
I like it when we're friends.
That way I won't get mad at him easily. haha
Qin finally uploaded this AWESOME picture of us.
That's tiny Jo on the left, next to her is Riss the cow,
in the middle is QinEVIL herself, and to my left (from the picture)
is Ismah the stinker (HAHAHA) and to the right is myself ;)

We chose a great place to take pictures right?

Peace out!

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