Friday, December 25, 2009

PMR results, 24th december

I woke up to the sound of my mum's voice
"Alang, wake up. You're taking your results today"
I got up and got ready.
Around 9, just before I went to school,
I performed Solat Duha (i'm not sure how it's spelled.)

I walked to school and saw my bestest friends waiting
for me at the bus stop. We said hello and everything.
We went inside and wondered where Ismah was.
When she finally arrived we started laughing at her funny gestures.

Then, Lulu wants to go sit underneath Pokok Cemerlang.
So we did. And we saw Yen on the way. We hugged and sat down.
We started talking about Sororiry Life (Sarah and Eda were making faces)
Sya ; level 97 Ismah; level 86 Me: level 77
Yen went: WAHHHHHHH! Patut lah korang byk boyfriend! (the SL bf not real life)

We went into the hall. Lined up.
I was at the back. Then Haziq Shafiq called me.
So I answered the phone and he said;
"Illa! dpt brape A?"
"Nak ambil results la ni. kau dah ambil ke?"
"Err, dah. "
"7. Sedih siaaaal. Dah lah science aku B :("
"Laaa ye ke . syg nye!"
"Eh, kau dah dpt nanti call aku tau"
"okay, congrats haziq :)"

Liy was the first of us to take her results.
She started crying and hugged everyone.
I was so proud of her!
Hey, what did I tell you lul? I told you you were gonna
get 8A's. and you did :)
Then Eda. Then Sarah. Sarah ran to me and hugged me tightly.
Her happy tears were like rain pouring down a stream.
Ismah jumped up and down.
And Sya shouted when she got hers.
And finally it was my turn.

I signed a paper and Miss Tang gave me my PMR slip.
She had a sad look on her face. I wondered why.
I moved to the left a bit. Looked at my results and felt dumbfounded.
I was stunt, I ran to the corner of the hall and saw a table.
I heard Johan's voice shouting after me "Dpt brape Nabilah?"
I had a second look at my results and saw
Bahasa Melayu B
I covered my face with my hands and started crying.

Then I heard my friends coming up to me and said;
Asal Illa? And they hugged me and tried to comfort me.
They ALL got 8A's. So they can't say they understand how I feel.
Really, they CAN'T.
Then I stopped crying a little, and saw Pn.Isya shaking hands
and congratulating all of them. And she saw me and gave me a hug.
And I started crying all over again. This time I cried harder.
She said it was okay.

I went to Pokok Cemerlang and sat down and cried.
I cried as I thought; How am I suppose to tell my parents that I didn't get 8A's?
Sya gave me the biggest comfort. She sat by me while I cried.
Eda, Lul, Sarah and Ismah hugged me tightly and said it was okay.
Ismah tried comforting me. I stopped crying a little.
Then I picked up my phone and went to a corner by myself and dialed for my mum.
While the phone was ringing, I could hear my mum's soft voice in my head and I started crying.
She picked up the phone and heard my sobs. I said "Ma, *sobs* I didn't get 8A's. *sobs*"
She said it was okay too and said I did good and she was proud of me.
I cried harder. Then I dialed for my dad. I said "Ayah, *sobs* I didn't get 8A's.*sobs*

I was walking to my dad's car when I saw the boys.
Isaac, Saros, Edric, Dikson were all there.
I looked down and held back my tears. Iz called after me,
and asked how much I got. I turned around and signalled; 7.
Iz ran after me and said; Kau jgn nangis! tgk aku punya lagi teruk. C pun ada.
And he said something that made me laugh. Then Saros and Edric came along and
comforted me. They really are great friends :')
Then Saros said; Nabilah, tu mak kau kan?
I turned around and quickly said goodbye and thankyou to them
and saw Naz walking towards me. He side-hugged me and said
"It's okay Kaklang"
And my mum hugged me and I started crying ALL over again.

In the car my dad said; It's okay, you did okay.
When we reached the house I saw Aa and angah and I said;
"I got 7A 1B" and layed on the sofa and cried.
My sister said some things to comfort me.
And she said; 7A's is okay. Don't cry"

Then I went up to my room and stared at the ceiling for a while.
Then I desperately needed someone to talk to.
I sent a msg to Rai. But he didn't answer.
So I called Haziq. I cried and he comforted me and said;
"Kita senasib la Illa. Tp aku lagi sedih. Science tu"
Then he cracked a few jokes to cheer me up. It worked for a while
but then Qin called and I heard her sad voice and I was crying all over again.
So I texted my bestfriend Ruz "Ruz, aku sedih"

Then I called Aunty Roy and held back my tears and she said;
"Don't you cry! 7A's is good. Your 7A's is with quality. The most important subject
is your English, Maths and Science."
I STILL NEEDED SOMEONE to talk to so I dialed for Ammar's.
But he didn't pick up so I called Iddin.
And I cried and he said "Okay la tu. dah dah jgn nangis"

By then I REALLY want to talk to Pn.Rossidah, my BM teacher.
So I tried calling her but she didn't answer.
Then Muqsit called and I wasn't crying but I was sobbing.
He went quiet cause according to him,
HE REALLY thought I would get 8A's.Then when he talked about *ehem*
I started laughing. plus I was REALLY tired of crying.

Then I called Ayum and told him everything
and he said; " Kau jgn nangis Illa! nanti aku nangis jugak"
Then Haziq Manaf called. and I said I got 7A's.
And he asked "Are you okay?"
Then Naz came into my room and Pn.Rossidah was on the other line.
So I picked it up and she said;
"Nabilah ni cikgu ni"
And I started crying REAL hard. I felt so guilty.
Pn.Rossidah was always nice to me, she taught me everything I needed to know
and yet I couldn't give her an A for my BM.
"Cikgu. Saya dapat 7A 1B. *sobs*"
"Cikgu pun sedih juga ni. Cikgu baru lepas telefon sekolah,
awak seorang sangkut. BM awak B kan?"
"Cikguu *I CRIED SO HARD*"
"Nabilah, jgn nangis. Cikgu rasa bersalah ni. Ye la, BM tu subjek cikgu"
"Cikgu saya minta maaf. "
"Saya tak dapat A untuk BM *tears*"
"Jangan mcm tu, cikgu sedih juga. Takpe, MRSM tak pentingkan BM.
Jumpe awak hari pertama sekolah nanti ye, jgn sedih2 lagi"

I was still sobbing when Ammar called.
I said "Kau lambat lah Am! tadi aku nak nangis dekat kau"
By 2pm, I just got really tired of crying all day. So I went downstairs,
washed my face and ate a homemade cupcake.
Then I packed for Cherating and layed down on the sofa and Zaty called.
I told her my results and she said congrats.
Then I went upstairs and Iddin called.
Then Wawan called and said "tu lah. jarang cakap BM lagi. apa apa pun, tahniah ye"

When we were on our way to Cherating,
Dikson called and asked if I was okay. By then, I WAS OKAY.
Cikgu Ku Zailan had texted me asking my results.
He was happy I got and A for Science.
Tini texted me, Muqsit too. he was trying hard to comfort me.
He was always a great listener and friend. :)
Farol texted me too and asked me not to cry because he was next to Ayum.
Rai was too late when he texted. He called after I told him my results.
Wanie texted me too and said "chill. SPM ade lagi. Okay la tu. congrats"
Ruz texted me too and I let everything out through text and told him
I wanted to call him and cry to him.
Then Enna and Eka (the geniuses) texted .
Then my cousin Schaa texted. (I still dont know Abby's results.)
After that Laila (iddin's gf-hahahhaa) texted me.
Then later at night, Mirul. Then Haziq and I texted about our sorrow-ness.
Haha yet, he tried hard to comfort me.
Finally, my standard6 bestfriend, Hanif, texted me.

So here it is; the GREAT results by my LOVELY friends ;
Dhiya,Eka,Enna, Milo-9As
Ammar-8A 1C (his ARAB -.-')
Iddin,Laila, Cypa, Dila, Mai-8A's
Haziq, Danial, Sabby, Putri-7A 1B
Hanif-7A 1B 1C (again, Arab C)
Guan,Jo, Sandra, Ala, Saresh, Ritya-7As
Ruz-4A 4B (I am so proud of him! He improved A LOT! (':)
Kels, Navee-6A 1B

I have great friends and I love all of them!
Thanks so much for listening to me whine and cry
and try to make me feel better guys :)

Well, that's it I guess.
My pathetic PMR results post.
I cried so much, I think that's the reason I have
a headache today. Lost too much water maybe?


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