Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tradition :(

I'll edit this post soon!

Before (2009)


Saturday, January 23, 2010


Reached KYSM at 12.25 pm.
And my interview was at 12.30 pm.
HAHAHA I know right?
Just in the nick of time. :)

The interview was Oh-kaay.
I spoke full English for about 2 hours ;)
Met two girls there,
Liyana, from Sri KDU and Yasmin from Kuala Selangor.

while the three of us sat in the waiting room,
I broke the silence and asked Liyana a question;
"so erm, do you know anyone by the name of PFN?"
and she said she did! Hahah.
Whaaat? It was a way of breaking the ICE.
Which worked, cause it got the three of us asking
about each other. Liyana said her mum goes to London
often, so her mum wants her to be independent and stay in
a boarding school. Yasmin on the other hand,
had always wanted to go to KYS. Can you believe that?
Plus it's affordable for them. so yeah.

Like I told LIYANA SHAHAROOM many many times,
the only reason I applied is to experience the full English
kind of interviews. which was really different :)

After the interview, I walked around the school.
Okay not really around but I did see some parts of the school.
It was HUGE! and erm, how do I put this nicely? DEAD.
It was so quiet. Like there's no life there.
But the surau was FREAKING nice!

Waaaaaay better than our surau -.-'
On our way back to the car,
I saw two people dating :')
HAHAHA. The girl kept turning back to look
at me. I wonder why. -.-'
Was she surprised that a non student was there or
something? weird.

Had lunch in er, jusco I think.
got back from Malacca at night :)

It was a long journey to Malacca ;)


Friday, January 22, 2010

And so another week has ended

One more week to go, you guys. :(
It's Daa's fault.
We were eating happily kan sya?

Then Daa said: Next week, at around this time, mesti sad. :'(
Sya: Eating makes me feel good. You ruined my appetite.
Or something like that.

Haihh. anyway,
I got stressed out during Add Maths again.
It's freaking stressful when you don't get something you know?
And I have super smart-ass (i wouldn't say they're an ass or anything)
classmates. everyone seems to understand Add Maths so EASILY!
Grrr I feel so... nope. shouldn't say it. don't want to jinx it or anything.

When I finally got it, I started to smile ;)
Qin said: Bila dah paham, jadi gila. -.-'
Hahah that ain't TRUE! I am never 'gila'.
I'm always so sane, so mature *coughs*
Shut up lah you guys. Don't laugh -.-'

Anyway, I heard Sarah singing Eda Gedik in the
"Are you sleeping2x brother John" tune.
So I joined in :D Which was fun and funny. :)
then we tried composing Eda Gedik into tiktok.
So it went something like this:
Eda wake up in the morning feeling like Brit Spears
Put her glasses on, she's out the door, she's gonna hit the school
Before she leaves, brush her teeth with a cup of coffee (=.=)
Cause when she leaves for the night, She's coming back!

We're talking pedicure on her KA KI
Trying on all her baju ju

And we just starting cracking up. Couldn't finish the song :D
see how childish my darling friends are?
But they always manage to put a smile on my face
no matter how stressed out I'd be.

I love Maths! I feel so happy doing Maths :')
during Agama, sya and I talked to din
about EDA :D Wahahha and so I asked
"Eda lawa tak?"
*nods* mesti lah lawa
AWWW! :') Comel gila! :D
Sya: "eda! couple lah dgn din! sehari ke,"

Sya ruined her sticker!
She colored her sticker using her black whiteboard marker
and the black wouldn't rub off. HAHAHA
She wanted to cry. Literally! :D
It was so funny + cute!
Ohh and she claims, "Today is the day we become partners :)"
Haha okay Sya ;) I love you too <3 style="font-style: italic;">We're not friends anymore
HAHAHA alaa liy, our 'supposed to be' plan
nak jog everyday is never going to work now :'(

1119. Oppsy daisie! We haven't completed our Indian Wedding
presentation. Err, we finished writing,
Do's and Don'ts. Major ceremonies. and Before Marriage.
Hahaha. Heyyy! I didn't know chinese Merisik too!
wow. Oh and pelamin= dais ? I don't know. Just guessing.
HAHHAHA Riss, Jo, Bren and Sand's presentation on Malay Weddings was
great! even I didn't know 20% of what they found out.
Pn.Viji wanted us to present so BAD! :/
so in the end we had to tell her about our uncompleted homework :/
Xi Peng and errr, can't recall his name, presented on Chinese Weddings.
while Syahirah, Pong Yee, Mun2, Asma and Shar did on Baba Nyonya.
Oh and ruz, danial, suraj, Ala and Saresh did on Indian Weddings.

I just realized that our THREE races culture have a lot
of things in common. Like the dowry which in Malay is known as Hantaran.
wow. I'm still amazed ;)

Meeting was held in 5A. So I shared a seat with Sarah.
Oh and the told the AJKs that they were transferring school.
So the AJKs came up to me and said
"Nabilaaah! Are you moving too?"
When I told them no. they seemed happy.
Awwwh :')

then Riss and I had more talks,
till we met Miss Tang!
We helped her with her bags after she gave me my
buku pelaporan diri. which, my new class teacher, Pn.Roslina
was supposed to give! =.=

Anyway, we asked her about this year's 3A and guess what?
She overheard them saying
"this teacher is so boring" during her class.
EEH damn rude! If it weren't for Miss Tang,
I wouldn't have gotten an A for my Maths okay!
you guys should be DEAD grateful!
"It's so sad :("
Riss and I comforted her by saying
"Never mind, we still love you!"
It's true anyway. Tsk2. 3A 2010,
you should be ASHAMED of yourselves!

After that, got stressed of
-I was having a headache
-had to look for Mr. Balan
-she wouldn't sign the FREAKING PAPERS!!!!!

anyway, It's our brand new record!
this week, I walked home with riss
from Monday to Friday! *applause*

Well, I had to take a picture in my school uniform
in conjuction with applying for KYS.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Check the mirror, kid.

your three years younger.
Learn to be a little polite will you?
Damn. so kurang ajar wey.

Seriously, watch your words!
you're the same age as my brother for peep's sake!
If I had slapped you in the face, I'm sorry,
but if my adik's mouth was as dirty as yours,
I would have slapped him right away.

Rissy, I can't even remember what he looks like.
Look what I posted on facebook! (Y)
Stupid rude prudent lil kid.

anyways, I told my friends about his rudeness yesterday.
And they went,
"Damn! Babi gila!"
"Ohmygod seriously?!"
"EEEEEH asal tak blasah je die?!"

Haha I knew you guys would get me ;)
We're FORM4s kan. and ade budak form1 tak sedar diri
wait I recalled something Sarah said.
"Jom ah pergi blasah die"
"Hahahha aku bawak geng aku en"
"Kite kan GENG! :D"

then someone said;
"Ohmygod eda nak blasah org? HAHAHHA"
It is quite funny, now that I think of it :D
Sorry daa :)

Oh and yesterday Jo turned around
(after I told her about that kid)
and shouted to practically no one,
woah. hahaha xD


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I can't believe it either

He was totally pissing me off.
So I shouted at him!
woah. I'm a bit surprised myself.
I was just SO pissed off,
I could not stand his rudeness.
Like with, has he never been taught to watch his words?
Damn rude! Ahhh, screw him.

PJ was fun! :D
We did Lompat Jauh today.
Hahaha Go green! got 2 points again :)
However, I fell. It was funny, the way I fell on my stomach.
Oh and AWW! Pn.Sanda said;
"Of y'all move, who's going to run 100m and 4x100m for green house?"
"Aww teacher! Are you going to miss us?"
"Yes. Of course! everytime I see 100metres I remember y'all"
"Awwwwwwwwww :')"

Sat next to Min Wen during Bio.
Ohmygoddddd Bio is so boring!
I kept on yawning in class. -.-'

Duty was funny.
Even though I was ALONE,
Ismah, Riss, Jo, Bren, Sand and Shahrul were there.
So It was quite fun ;)
Hahah shahrul was so weird,
trying to act like the "totally!" girls.
Which, looks freakingggg gay!
HAHAHAHHA couldn't stop laughing at him xD

I sat next to Ismah while she played SL.
There was one part, she actually SHOUTED!
Like seriously shouted -.-'
Such a SL freak! Hahaha
The form5 and form3s gave us a "zzzzzz" stare.
Sorry :) HAHAHHA

New Kuta beach, Bali
looks awesome yeah?


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

hmph :/

I don't know.
It's so stressful!

*Whyyyyyyyyy ? Haihhhh*


Monday, January 18, 2010

It's money time! *KE-CHING!*

Teehee HEE :D

I went to school early today and forgot to bring
a my pin along -.-'
Dang. So on the way to Laman Maluri,
I asked Ismah out loud (as she claimed i did)
whether Prefects sold pins.
Anddd apparently, Joel overheard my question.

Haha so I did business with him :)

Next, I lined up with all the Perfect Attendance students :)
During Ikrar, we laughed a little.
Okay, maybe a lot. Hahah xD
Got a certificate for being such a diligent little girl ;)
3A diligent students- Jun, Guan (duhh!), Saresh, Ismah (my partner!) and myself! :D
Hahahaha xD

Finally, Pn.Isya was going to call out
a list of 'Pelajar Cemerlang'-s (8As and 7As)
Hmm then I lined up behind Jo as Danial was not present.
Ala took Danial's place and I went up and got down the stage without falling :)
Hahaha I've always had a little stage fright :D

guess how much I got for getting 7A 1B?
RM50 :( My darling best friends got RM80.
Haihh. Well at least I got something so yeah.
Oh oh! And Saresh was 2009's best student!
Awww, I'm so proud of him! :D YEY 3A!
Best part was, he said thanks to 3A in his speech :')
sooo touched!

then the teacher gathered the 'Pelajar Cemerlang'
and we got to take pictures :)
So we did. Anddd after everyone else went back to class,
the teacher allowed US to take more pictures.
Isn't that cool? HAHAHA :D
It was fun xD syik was THEE photographer you see ;)

During recess, you'll never expect this.
Sya actually CRIED! because she says she's gonna be all alone.
And I said "I'm still here!"
She claims "But I'm so sure you're gonna get 2nd intake. your koko terer kot!"
It's okay Sya, I'll always love you.
Really. :)

Walked home with Rissy again :)
Had another talk.
So normal kan? HAHAHA

gonna put this as default picture on myspace.
Peace out!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Avatar ;)

"I see you"
"I see you"
-Jake Sully and Neytiri :')

Today I watched AVATAR! Finally!
Hahaha. :D
It was soooo freaking AWESOME!
I wanna watch it again! It was so worth it ;)

Anyway, this is how my day went.
My mum wanted to buy a flask (i think)
at Midvalley Megamall
and we, by we I mean Aa and I
persuaded my parents to watch AVATAR!

My parents agreed,
only because
their friends kept on saying that Avatar is a mustwatch movie.
Oh and they gave one condition. It must not be later that 2.15 pm.
So we lined up and just as I was disturbing my bratty little bro,

I heard a familiar voice shouting
"Illaaa! Haaaaaaai!"

It was MILO! What a coincidence huh?
She's going to line up behind me and all xD

ANYWAY, we watched AVATAR together!
Hahaha. Akmal sat next to Aa
I was in between Aa and Milo,
while her elder
brother was to her right.
And my parents sat on the other side.

the movie was seriously AWESOME!

I just can't find enough words to describe it. :D

Oh and just before the movie,
we got into the wrong cinema.
It was so funny. Hahah my parents were already
enjoying Old Dogs. -.-'

Anyways, to those who haven't watch it yet,
i seriously think you should.
even the 3D version!
Trust me, it's so WORTH your RM18 :D

Neytiri and Jake Sully ;)

He actually looks kinda hot, with hair of course :D

Milo Monster! <3


Friday, January 15, 2010

Feeling better :)

Well I'm feeling much better now.
Thanks to Woo Khae Shen for making me laugh my ass of :D
Hahaha thank you ;)
Also to eda sarah liy ismah rai lip hung for trying to cheer me up :)

As you can see, I failed to be accepted.

But, I'm so happy for my best friends.
Saeda Iman, for getting into SMS Sri Putri
Sarah Ezzurin, for getting into SMS Sri Putri
Liyana Shaharoom, for getting into SMS Muar
Ismah Yusmadi, for getting into SMS Bagan Datoh

You guys got what I've always wanted.
8As and SBP. Congrats ;)
Even though you guys wanted MRSM, but be happy okay?
I'll pray everything will work out for you guys.

Can we stay best friends forever please? :'(

I love you guys tau! <3>

Your best friend,

she doesn't get it

My mum doesn't get it.
she have no idea what it feels like
to want something so bad and not get it.

It's the worst feeling ever.
she doesn't get it because i don't think she ever failed in her life.

My dad is just the same.

They don't get it!

Arghhhhhhhhhhhh help me

Now this is dejavu

I didn't get into SBP.
I've been wanting to go there since I was twelve.

It's like I'm in form1 all over again.
I also feel like it's 26th December 2009, AGAIN.
It's the feeling of failure.
I hate this feeling.

I am sooooo disappointed. Emphasis on the 'SO'.
I cried just now. I can't help it.
It's just sooooooooo disappointing.

I don't want to go to taekwondo tonight!
Please don't make me goooooooo
I don't want to face my sir right now
pleaseeeeee :'(


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Annoyed -.-'

Sooooooo annoying!
Pfft. Shut up shut up shut up

Bio was funny :D

During Chem, we did an experiment on
determining the melting and freezing point of naphthalene.
It was quite fun although I think our experiment sort of failed.
Hahaha. Naphtha let out a gas, carbon dioxide i think?
And ergh it stinks -.-'

Walked home with Rissy :')
We drank, (well at least I did) a cup of Kickapoo
and icecream! It was rissy's treat. thanks bestie =)

Oh hmm Daaa ! Chill okay? I get you :)

*Today I'm going to KUMON. :) Oh and I miss yen :(*

Yendonnnnnn saya rindu kamu :'(


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sorority LIFE :D

shut up rai.
I know what you're about to say :P

Anyway I have finally chosen SL over PS
I mean just look at my pet society,
so sad :'(

Anyway click the picture to see clearer.
I love it ;)

*hmm. i like it but i also hate it. is that even possible? -.-'"



and running. Pfft.
Sure haven't done that in a while.

after duty today, which, might I add,
was dusty, (hahaha the library books were full of dusts! it was so dirtyy)

Anyway, walked Daa out and joined Olahraga training.

Omg the KB coach was there. AAAAAAA helppppp!
hahaha. so hmm yeah I was FREAKING exhausted.
Words cannot describe how tired my legs were. -.-'

anyway, Ismah didnt join us.

Whyyyyyyyyyy ? Ask her -.-'
she said she was coming to Olahraga but then I guess she decided to ditch me.

But It's okay . I have Jo and Bren and Pri oh wait Iya :)
Hahaha it still sounds weird to me, pri. Iya -.-'

Hmm okay lets see.
What happened in school, *thinking*
Sukan Tara started today ;)

We did Lontar Peluru. Hehehehehe I got 2 points :D
See even a so called 'skinny' person can do it! Bluek! :P
2 points is the highest point =)
Go Jentayu! <3

And because we ran and threw, by recess time, my stomach was grumbling. :/
Sya's too. So we ate and drank :D
We bought a drink in the school canteen! First time this year :)

Bio was soooo boring.
Physics was okay.
My Phy partner is Jo!

We go waaaay back :) Hahhaha

*ohmygod! My second cousin is on TV! Like, regularly!
-.-' haihhh*


Monday, January 11, 2010

Goodbye adik ;)

first of all I would like to add that I couldn't update everyday.
my apologies ;) so Daa, we're even :D

Anyway back to the topic.
Adik is the BM word for little brother, or younger brother.
In mandarin, adik is known as didi and in Japanese, it is simply known as atoto/atoutou
Hahaha after 12 years annoying each other around,
he is finally going to be an independent TEENAGER and live on his own.
No more going around saying "Kaklaaang, can you make sirap for me?"

So hmm yesterday was his last day here.
This morning, Ayah, Angah and Naz went to SDAR to get him
signed in? I don't know the right term for this.
I chose to go to school and study instead of accompanying him
to his "new" school. Plus SDAR is and all boys school.
pfft whyyy would I want to see his seniors faces? -.-'

School was FUN! but this post is for Naz so yeah.
anyway naz, take care :)
andd have loads of fun adik!

We'll come and visit you in two weeks time.
Till then, tata!

The pictures aren't in order.
I'm too lazy to do that.


Sunday, January 10, 2010


9th January 2010.

Happy Birthday to;
the 15 year old Farah Fateha!
we've been friends since primary kan kan?
Hahaha. We're not in the same school anymore,
takpe. still kawan. so, KAWAN, happy 15th birthday!
Oh and goodluck for pmr =)
enjoy your form3 year cause seriously, it would be one heaven of a year!
(I decided to change hell into heaven)

the twins! :)
Sweet sixteen eh korang!
Hmm let's see I know them mase standard1,
we naik the same van i think?
Twins kan. the onlyy twins lak tu, sape tak kenal?
Oh I became friends with them mase standard3 :)
Congrats on getting 9As, Zairin Zulaika and Zarith Zuliana!
Have a greattt day! :)

the 17 year old Wan Aiman!
Qin's 'pakcik', happy birthdaay! Haah! two years older than me :)
Maths genius, goodluck for SPM! i'm sure you wont be facing
problems in scoring A+ for Maths and Add Maths :D
Hahaha dah jadi international football player dont forget me,
your one true hero :) hahahha
Anyway enjoy your daaay :D

the 'goofy', the 'weirdo', the 'M cube!'
Wahahaha presenting; the one and only,
Muhd Muqsit Mu'izz! Happy 17th birthday orang tua!
Old man, jgn lupa dkt saya yang muda ni, hee :)
Muq, thanks for everything eh. Rajin jugak kau dgr aku membebel :)
HAHAHA. Your a great friend :)
Best of luck for SPM! :D


Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's been a WEEK!

It's 12am so hmm I'm posting for Friday's post. :/

I have been a Form4 students for a whole week !

Woohoo! kudos kudos :)
Hahaha. I just finished reading qwertyuiop :D
You guys, i know what qwerty is! it's the top line of letters on the keyboard!
It's Q W E R T Y U I O P
basically, you get the point right? :)

So hmm let's see, today we learned Add Maths and Maths.
Standard Form was not as confusing as Significant Figures ;)
I think it's because we learned SForm in Physics too,
so yeah. the A times 10 N(small N-haha)
And functions! Nice. Really. no sarcasm whatsoever :)

Hmm what else? It was raining cats and dogs during recess.
Grosssssss. really. the floor was filthy!
I sound like a girl. then again, I am a GIRL :D

Oh and I gave a HUGE hug to:
She's moving :( We've been friends for including this year, it'll be
FIVE years. Bye yen! don't miss me too much, ehehehe :)
Love you la "erin" -.-' Hahahaha. jgn lupe us malurians tau =)

Passed up my 1119/1 book! :D woot woot
although my The Lack of Interest in Sports essay was crap,
I'm still happy :) hahaha.

Had meeting today,
Ying Hong quit! WHYY OH WHYYYY ?
she's like the craziest and funniest Penolong Pemprosesan everrrr :(
Now who's going to giggle and make random jokes if she's
not going to be around in the library anymore? :'(
I asked Yan Ting just now.She said she doesnt know why.
I think no one knows why. Except her that is. :'(

Walked home with rissy today.
We did our usual walkinghome routine,
we walked SO slow that a tortoise would laugh :D *took that out of qwertyuiop*
We have do walk slowly in order to finish our stories!
Anyway her uncle came with a SCARY look on his face.
Sooo scary. Bid her TATA and walked home alone :(

Oh and I'll also post a random note or thought at the end of each post starting from this one!

*random* Hmm. There's something in there, I think there is. Is it begging to come out? Sorry, you can't come out. If your asking to be free, go on! be freeeeee. but to come out and appear visible? no way. Shoo little thing! keep quite :P


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Zoooooom ! :)

I came to school on time today. *yey*
The prefects came in after Pn.Masitah did so we postponed our
cleaning session to in between BM and Mod Maths.

While Qin was wiping our table,
Pn. Siew walked in and looked at Qin in a "what is she doing? -.-'" look.
We laughed instantly :D

Anyway during M.Maths we learned,
Chapter 1 Standard Form: Significant value
Can you believe it? We actually thought it was hard.
too much zeros i presume?
We had to ask each and every question.
Pn.Siew was walking around the class answering everyone's questions.

During Chemistry I sit in between Guan and Ismah :)
Sya and I got locked in the class -.-'
All the prefects started asking us questions and stuff. =.=

Oh and we got our textbooks! :D

WOOHOO! Oh and new Poems and Antologi ;
nice right? it's so pretty :)

Harga Remaja, so coooooool

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cleanfreaks :)

Hahaha we have the cleanest table in 4A!
A round of applause for;
Ismah Yusmadi, Nur Ashiqin Azmiran, Nur Sarah Ezzurin, Saeda Iman and Nabilah Kay!

Every morning after the prefects come in,
We would use our wet tissue with a drop of dettol
to clean our table :) It's germ free!
Hahahaha. It's fun too! :D

so anyway yesterday we learnt our first lesson,
Additional Mathematics :)
Oh and we got our school magazine.
I hate the cover. It's horrible :P
Hhahahhaha. -.-' still unsatisfied.

Oh and someone wrote a Seloka 3Amanah
when I flipped open page 126,
I saw right in the middle, Eda's part of the seloka
and burst out laughing.
I shouted "Oh My God Eda! Peeewittttttt ! read this read this!"

Sya and I had to sit waaaay at the back during Agama.
so it was really difficult to pay attention. :'(
Oh and all the Islam students will combine classes during PI.
I get to meet my friends who weren't fortunate enough to enter 4A.
YEY! so i'll see them in class at least twice a week :)

Oh and I succeeded in writing a 350 (sorry, i said 365 :/)
words essay! three cheers for ME! *bows*
thank you thank you :)
Infect, I wrote a total of 639 words =)
Walauweh bangganya aku! kihkihkih

Anyway today in class we learned BM,
since we are the first batch to learn with the new
komsas book, something Remaja, Pn.Masitah helped us with the notes.
Then sya, sarah, eda, ismah and i went off to help ustazah.
We were then joined by Tyk and Tini.
We distributed the school magazines to teachers :)
It was a very tiring experience. and it was SO HOT!

Oh and we learned Physics today :)
I sat next to Khae Shen
and we talked about Tae Kwon Do -.-'
Haaaa I found another person who got a B for BM!

Two of my new teachers gave us advices on life :)
Pn. Viji said; Life is what you make of it :)
And my chem teacher, also my Athletics teacher
told us that our PMR results worth nothing now.
Even if you did get 8As, it wont quarantee your SPM results.

thank you teacher :)

Ps; I saw Pn.Rossidah today!
Gave her a HUGE hug. and I told her I was okay :)


Monday, January 4, 2010

Saya malu

rian :)

Hahahaha. -.-'

I got up around 6 today :D
Wow. Haven't done that in a while.
Haven't slept at 12.30 in a while too.

As soon as I was stepping on the tapak perhimpunan,
I started looking for 4A
and right there, I saw a librarian with a COLORFUL backpack
with white tudung standing in front of another librarian.

Hahaha I knew right away that was EDA!
While lining up, I asked the same question;
Are you sure I'm in this class? 4A? Are you one HUNDRED percent sureeeee?
And they said; Ya Allah YE LAH ILLA!

Hehehe sorrryyyy, I can't help but be nervous :)
So I checked the list with my own EYES
and yes I am in 4Amanah. Weee! xD

We waited anxiously for Guan to open the zinc classroom door.
And Shu Ting without her glasses came up to us and said, while pointing to each of us;
Aisyah ?*points* Nabilah. *points* Ismah? *points to Eda*
Hahaha then sya said to her; Shu ting!!!
hahahhahaa xD

Haha when Guan finally manage to open the lock,
we rushed inside to book a seat.
Ended up laughing histerically xD
BECAUSE, they weren't any chairs and tables.
Hahaha pity us 4As. Have to sit on the floor -.-'
Hahahha. So we moved to the lab.

My table is; Darsh Shash Guan Ismah Me Qin Sarah and Eda?? (i'm not sure about this)
Apparently, most of us were from 3A! Woot woot!
I have new classmates too and some of my old classmates are
no longer my classmates :'(
Anyway 4Amanah consist of 3A & 3B 2009. Haha :D

During recess I saw, Tini! Waaah she's a malurian now! :D
And, Priyaaa!! and and John!! :D *he owes me a bubbletea ;)

Also, met new teachers :)
Oh and we have our first homework form Pn.Viji.
An essay on My Hero. Minimum 365 words.
How the hell am I suppose to write a 365 words essay on MY HERO?
-.-' *shakes head*
Best part is, Miss Tang is teaching us Add Maths! <3

After school, walked with Liy
when Johan asked Isaac,Saros and I to chill and hang around school for a bit.
So I said okay and told them to wait for me then walked with Liy.
Met ZOL! hahaha dah sesi pagi dah kau baguss :D
Said bye bye to Sya and Ismah then to Liy.

They were waiting for me at SK.
So we chatted and stuff, then Isaac said;
Bajet ah tu. budak 4A -.-'
I said; Sape bajet haaaa ? :P
aww I'm going to miss them. takpe,
after school kite hang out eh korang ? :D

School was boring but I got to meet my friends :)
*thumbs up*


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to school :)

Tomorrow morning, around 8 or so,
I would be in school, in my new class with my new classmates.

This is it.
My new life, the one with BIGGER goals and dreams
are about to be tested.
SMKTBM might me my first step,
who knows? with luck & God's will,
I might be able to go to SBP or MRSM :)

I will be all that I WANT TO BE =)
this is my life and dreams aren't for sleeping :P

all fired up,

Mid JELLY :)

I reached the KTM station and saw Eda sitting all by herself :(
Hahaha. So we sat together and waited for Sarah to come.
Then the three of us started chatting since Lul & Ismah
were no where to be seen -.-'
When they finally arrived, we bought the tickets and then Muqsit arrived.

Er we reached MidValley around 12 i think ?
We went notebook shopping at MPH
Hahaha a major success :)
Then Cypa came! Woot woot! :D
It's been three years since I last seen her.

So Sarah, Cypa and I walked and talked without realizing where we were heading.
Then Sarah called Eda and we met up at GSC.
Which, might I add, was PACKED!
So we ended up not watching a movie.
Oh and we saw Syahirah & Benjy and Shav & whatshisname.

Eda:you guys, cepatlah. make up your mind
Me: ): Nevermind lah tak tgk pun takpe
Sarah: Betul ke illa ?
Me: Yeah, midvalle kalau nak tgk movie kene dtg awal. lupe lak
Liy: *blabs* mid jelly
Sarah,Eda, Cypa and I : HUHH ?
Liy and I : *started laughing*

then off we went to Dominos.
We had a meal for 4 set :)
It was fun. Cypa didn't change much,
she was as crappy as EVER :D

Cypa,Sarah and I crapped and laughed loudly in Jusco.
It was fun, i miss my "pekat" friend ;)
hahhaha *inside joke*

Thennn, mai came and we said our hellos,
she left to buy somethings -.-'
We walked around the mall and went into Vincci
then mai called and we met up with her.

Oh and LB belanja us BR :)
by us i mean Liy and I =)

so yeahh we pretty much wasted our day walking around MidValley
buttttttttt, it was nice to meet Cypa & Mai again :)


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Farewell 2009 :)

Well 2009 gave me a lot of lessons in life.
2008 did too, but 2009 was definitely something ;)

Let's see, last year I;
-became a third former in 3Amanah
-got Ismah BUSUK as my deskmate ;)
-made a list of NoNOs but after a while we forgot about it xD
-became an AJK for Jentayu (go green !)
-got my *ehem2* Hahaha 29thJan2009 :)
-had to do an English representation on Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
-likes Oikawa Sousuke =)
-made a card for Muqsit and Hzq
-played a game of poker (haha though we weren't sure of the rules)
-found out a few of 2008's secrets (the ones they've been hiding from me)
-made a calligraphy with Sya during Seni and got scolded (weehee)
-learned that my pencil case is far more important than my beautiful phone
-went to my first (SMKTBM) olahraga sentul meet representing school
-won my first medal in kejohanan olahraga zon sentul (YEY!)
-fell at the finish line during KOZS :D
-came up with a new valentine's term (villaintime's day :D)
-went through plenty of EXAMS
-said goodbye to my form4 friends (Some of them went off to boarding sch)
-got this super painful injections with side-effects -.-'
-had a lot of weird dreams about people i know
-won FOUR GOLDS during Sports Day! :)
-met a lot of my old friends
-went to a lot of other school's sports day as pelari jemputan ;)
-became bestfrienduntilPMR with BT
-stayed awake in the dark for an hour! (earth hour)
-got scolded by the principal herself, HAHAHA
-turned FIFTEEN :D
-played a game of BITCHminton with my girls =)
-got sunburned
-got TWO bronze medals from MSSKL :)
-gained two walk home buddies (Riss & Roo)
-gained MUHIBBAH geng (Darsh & Roo)
-love my teachers (they really are something <3)>
-made a huge Teacher's Day card for our lovely class teacher, Ms Tang <3
-realized my life wouldn't be like Taylor Swift's song, fifteen
-made new friends :)
-got to represent my zone =)
-went to my first KL meet :)
-love my friends more than EVER <3>
-came close to getting cheated by a guy
-dislike his guts :)
-learned to SCREEN SHOT (one of my proudest ability)
-like Japanese movies, series and songs :)
-love ARASHI! (Ahhhh Matsumoto Jun!) *shut up sarah
-went to my FIRST ever concert (sort of) -flyanniversary

I love it to bits! :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Say goodbye ,

it's not in order :P
SKTBM O'6 reunion dinner at DPC
National's Day, 3 Amanah minus two girls in the picture
National's Day SPIRIT :)
Malacca, December 2009
Dataran Pahlawan, Malacca, 2009

Last Day of PMR, 13th October :)
My STINKY deskmate + best friend :)
Sheeril's open house, 18th October

Sky bridge 2009

Petrosains, Geoterma :)
KL tower :)
3 Amanah + Guan's bestie

Pn.Esah's retirement day.

Aquaria , KLCC:)


Liy's. Bacaan Yasin

19th October, Sya's birthday, OneU

18th & 19th, sleepover at Sya's

Aquaria ;)
Reunion dinner :0

Olaraga training, Taman Pertanian Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam

H1N1 prevention :0
Kak Nana's engagement
Tuition madness
3A librarians minus syahirah with Miss Tang <3
Hari Koko, picture perfecttt hahaha
Reunion dinner :D
The best friend, Ruzain :)

Rissy's birthday, OneU

National Science Centre DNA makers :)
Flyniversary with my best friends;Sya and Liy :D
plus EDA (even though she chose to hang out with Rehanna and Farah.)

I had a great year you guys , thanks for everything!