Friday, January 22, 2010

And so another week has ended

One more week to go, you guys. :(
It's Daa's fault.
We were eating happily kan sya?

Then Daa said: Next week, at around this time, mesti sad. :'(
Sya: Eating makes me feel good. You ruined my appetite.
Or something like that.

Haihh. anyway,
I got stressed out during Add Maths again.
It's freaking stressful when you don't get something you know?
And I have super smart-ass (i wouldn't say they're an ass or anything)
classmates. everyone seems to understand Add Maths so EASILY!
Grrr I feel so... nope. shouldn't say it. don't want to jinx it or anything.

When I finally got it, I started to smile ;)
Qin said: Bila dah paham, jadi gila. -.-'
Hahah that ain't TRUE! I am never 'gila'.
I'm always so sane, so mature *coughs*
Shut up lah you guys. Don't laugh -.-'

Anyway, I heard Sarah singing Eda Gedik in the
"Are you sleeping2x brother John" tune.
So I joined in :D Which was fun and funny. :)
then we tried composing Eda Gedik into tiktok.
So it went something like this:
Eda wake up in the morning feeling like Brit Spears
Put her glasses on, she's out the door, she's gonna hit the school
Before she leaves, brush her teeth with a cup of coffee (=.=)
Cause when she leaves for the night, She's coming back!

We're talking pedicure on her KA KI
Trying on all her baju ju

And we just starting cracking up. Couldn't finish the song :D
see how childish my darling friends are?
But they always manage to put a smile on my face
no matter how stressed out I'd be.

I love Maths! I feel so happy doing Maths :')
during Agama, sya and I talked to din
about EDA :D Wahahha and so I asked
"Eda lawa tak?"
*nods* mesti lah lawa
AWWW! :') Comel gila! :D
Sya: "eda! couple lah dgn din! sehari ke,"

Sya ruined her sticker!
She colored her sticker using her black whiteboard marker
and the black wouldn't rub off. HAHAHA
She wanted to cry. Literally! :D
It was so funny + cute!
Ohh and she claims, "Today is the day we become partners :)"
Haha okay Sya ;) I love you too <3 style="font-style: italic;">We're not friends anymore
HAHAHA alaa liy, our 'supposed to be' plan
nak jog everyday is never going to work now :'(

1119. Oppsy daisie! We haven't completed our Indian Wedding
presentation. Err, we finished writing,
Do's and Don'ts. Major ceremonies. and Before Marriage.
Hahaha. Heyyy! I didn't know chinese Merisik too!
wow. Oh and pelamin= dais ? I don't know. Just guessing.
HAHHAHA Riss, Jo, Bren and Sand's presentation on Malay Weddings was
great! even I didn't know 20% of what they found out.
Pn.Viji wanted us to present so BAD! :/
so in the end we had to tell her about our uncompleted homework :/
Xi Peng and errr, can't recall his name, presented on Chinese Weddings.
while Syahirah, Pong Yee, Mun2, Asma and Shar did on Baba Nyonya.
Oh and ruz, danial, suraj, Ala and Saresh did on Indian Weddings.

I just realized that our THREE races culture have a lot
of things in common. Like the dowry which in Malay is known as Hantaran.
wow. I'm still amazed ;)

Meeting was held in 5A. So I shared a seat with Sarah.
Oh and the told the AJKs that they were transferring school.
So the AJKs came up to me and said
"Nabilaaah! Are you moving too?"
When I told them no. they seemed happy.
Awwwh :')

then Riss and I had more talks,
till we met Miss Tang!
We helped her with her bags after she gave me my
buku pelaporan diri. which, my new class teacher, Pn.Roslina
was supposed to give! =.=

Anyway, we asked her about this year's 3A and guess what?
She overheard them saying
"this teacher is so boring" during her class.
EEH damn rude! If it weren't for Miss Tang,
I wouldn't have gotten an A for my Maths okay!
you guys should be DEAD grateful!
"It's so sad :("
Riss and I comforted her by saying
"Never mind, we still love you!"
It's true anyway. Tsk2. 3A 2010,
you should be ASHAMED of yourselves!

After that, got stressed of
-I was having a headache
-had to look for Mr. Balan
-she wouldn't sign the FREAKING PAPERS!!!!!

anyway, It's our brand new record!
this week, I walked home with riss
from Monday to Friday! *applause*

Well, I had to take a picture in my school uniform
in conjuction with applying for KYS.


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