Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mid JELLY :)

I reached the KTM station and saw Eda sitting all by herself :(
Hahaha. So we sat together and waited for Sarah to come.
Then the three of us started chatting since Lul & Ismah
were no where to be seen -.-'
When they finally arrived, we bought the tickets and then Muqsit arrived.

Er we reached MidValley around 12 i think ?
We went notebook shopping at MPH
Hahaha a major success :)
Then Cypa came! Woot woot! :D
It's been three years since I last seen her.

So Sarah, Cypa and I walked and talked without realizing where we were heading.
Then Sarah called Eda and we met up at GSC.
Which, might I add, was PACKED!
So we ended up not watching a movie.
Oh and we saw Syahirah & Benjy and Shav & whatshisname.

Eda:you guys, cepatlah. make up your mind
Me: ): Nevermind lah tak tgk pun takpe
Sarah: Betul ke illa ?
Me: Yeah, midvalle kalau nak tgk movie kene dtg awal. lupe lak
Liy: *blabs* mid jelly
Sarah,Eda, Cypa and I : HUHH ?
Liy and I : *started laughing*

then off we went to Dominos.
We had a meal for 4 set :)
It was fun. Cypa didn't change much,
she was as crappy as EVER :D

Cypa,Sarah and I crapped and laughed loudly in Jusco.
It was fun, i miss my "pekat" friend ;)
hahhaha *inside joke*

Thennn, mai came and we said our hellos,
she left to buy somethings -.-'
We walked around the mall and went into Vincci
then mai called and we met up with her.

Oh and LB belanja us BR :)
by us i mean Liy and I =)

so yeahh we pretty much wasted our day walking around MidValley
buttttttttt, it was nice to meet Cypa & Mai again :)


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