Friday, January 1, 2010


It's past midnight so that means it's a NEW YEAR!
2009, into the dumps.
So that makes today 1st January 2010.
Woah , let's see.
I've been through a LOT this year,
all the restless sleeps, eye bags under my eyes,
problematic people in my life,
bad moods, happy times and finally sad times.

-stressing out in class when I don't understand a topic
-making stupid jokes with Ismah
-singing with Ismah
-dancing to the song HoeDownThrowdown with Ismah
-making faces when Eda & Roo do their "DRAMA"
-pissing Eda off
-laughing at (Eda & Ismah)'s funny gestures
-Asking Sya and Sarah to shut up during Civic class
-shouting at Sya
-debating with Sya
-talking with Sya durng P.I class
-Watching Japanese movies & series with Sarah
-talking about Japanese with Sarah
-Crapping with Sarah and Guan during Civic class
-Fighting with Guan
-throwing stuff at Guan
-Glancing at Liy in Sejarah class
-Laughing with Liy in Sej class
-Crapping with Liy during free time
-talking to Rissy
-walking home with Rissy
-staying back with Rissy
-fighting childishly with Rissy
-having my "FRIDAY WALK" with Roo
-taking the long route home with Roo
-eating "ice cream roti" with Rissy & Roo
-laughing over idiotic jokes with my olahraga buddies
-having fun with my classmates
-annoying Qin
-fighting with Qin
-sleeping late doing revision
-going to MR.KZ's tuition
-laughing with Aj
-watching football with Ismah & Liy
-watching movies with my best friends :)
-fighting with ruz

I think I missed out a few,
but that's all I can think of right now.
2009 was tough, but I love every bit of it :)

I'm going to be sixteen this year! Wow.
Time elapse quietly huh ?
My NEW YEAR resolutions are:
-to be a smarty pants, to always put Allah ahead of anything, to study hard and smart, to put study ahead of fun, to enjoy life to the fullest, to dress more feminine (so please don't be surprised!), to achieve straight As, to make my parents proud, to prove those PEOPLE wrong, to know what's right and what's wrong, to be a much better student, to be successful, to watch my words and finally,

You know, you don't have to read if you don't want to.
I'm writing my resolutions so I wont forget my dream.
And I won't let my dream stay as a dream,
I'm going to make it real. Yes I am :)
Happy New Years guys ! :)
Goodbye 2009
And HELLO 2010!
Let the past by pass and just


And this year I really hope I wont get involved in a heart to heart relationship
whether it's on one hand or two.
Oh please Ya Allah, give me the strength to be a better person. :)

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