Sunday, January 10, 2010


9th January 2010.

Happy Birthday to;
the 15 year old Farah Fateha!
we've been friends since primary kan kan?
Hahaha. We're not in the same school anymore,
takpe. still kawan. so, KAWAN, happy 15th birthday!
Oh and goodluck for pmr =)
enjoy your form3 year cause seriously, it would be one heaven of a year!
(I decided to change hell into heaven)

the twins! :)
Sweet sixteen eh korang!
Hmm let's see I know them mase standard1,
we naik the same van i think?
Twins kan. the onlyy twins lak tu, sape tak kenal?
Oh I became friends with them mase standard3 :)
Congrats on getting 9As, Zairin Zulaika and Zarith Zuliana!
Have a greattt day! :)

the 17 year old Wan Aiman!
Qin's 'pakcik', happy birthdaay! Haah! two years older than me :)
Maths genius, goodluck for SPM! i'm sure you wont be facing
problems in scoring A+ for Maths and Add Maths :D
Hahaha dah jadi international football player dont forget me,
your one true hero :) hahahha
Anyway enjoy your daaay :D

the 'goofy', the 'weirdo', the 'M cube!'
Wahahaha presenting; the one and only,
Muhd Muqsit Mu'izz! Happy 17th birthday orang tua!
Old man, jgn lupa dkt saya yang muda ni, hee :)
Muq, thanks for everything eh. Rajin jugak kau dgr aku membebel :)
HAHAHA. Your a great friend :)
Best of luck for SPM! :D


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