Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cleanfreaks :)

Hahaha we have the cleanest table in 4A!
A round of applause for;
Ismah Yusmadi, Nur Ashiqin Azmiran, Nur Sarah Ezzurin, Saeda Iman and Nabilah Kay!

Every morning after the prefects come in,
We would use our wet tissue with a drop of dettol
to clean our table :) It's germ free!
Hahahaha. It's fun too! :D

so anyway yesterday we learnt our first lesson,
Additional Mathematics :)
Oh and we got our school magazine.
I hate the cover. It's horrible :P
Hhahahhaha. -.-' still unsatisfied.

Oh and someone wrote a Seloka 3Amanah
when I flipped open page 126,
I saw right in the middle, Eda's part of the seloka
and burst out laughing.
I shouted "Oh My God Eda! Peeewittttttt ! read this read this!"

Sya and I had to sit waaaay at the back during Agama.
so it was really difficult to pay attention. :'(
Oh and all the Islam students will combine classes during PI.
I get to meet my friends who weren't fortunate enough to enter 4A.
YEY! so i'll see them in class at least twice a week :)

Oh and I succeeded in writing a 350 (sorry, i said 365 :/)
words essay! three cheers for ME! *bows*
thank you thank you :)
Infect, I wrote a total of 639 words =)
Walauweh bangganya aku! kihkihkih

Anyway today in class we learned BM,
since we are the first batch to learn with the new
komsas book, something Remaja, Pn.Masitah helped us with the notes.
Then sya, sarah, eda, ismah and i went off to help ustazah.
We were then joined by Tyk and Tini.
We distributed the school magazines to teachers :)
It was a very tiring experience. and it was SO HOT!

Oh and we learned Physics today :)
I sat next to Khae Shen
and we talked about Tae Kwon Do -.-'
Haaaa I found another person who got a B for BM!

Two of my new teachers gave us advices on life :)
Pn. Viji said; Life is what you make of it :)
And my chem teacher, also my Athletics teacher
told us that our PMR results worth nothing now.
Even if you did get 8As, it wont quarantee your SPM results.

thank you teacher :)

Ps; I saw Pn.Rossidah today!
Gave her a HUGE hug. and I told her I was okay :)


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