Wednesday, January 13, 2010


and running. Pfft.
Sure haven't done that in a while.

after duty today, which, might I add,
was dusty, (hahaha the library books were full of dusts! it was so dirtyy)

Anyway, walked Daa out and joined Olahraga training.

Omg the KB coach was there. AAAAAAA helppppp!
hahaha. so hmm yeah I was FREAKING exhausted.
Words cannot describe how tired my legs were. -.-'

anyway, Ismah didnt join us.

Whyyyyyyyyyy ? Ask her -.-'
she said she was coming to Olahraga but then I guess she decided to ditch me.

But It's okay . I have Jo and Bren and Pri oh wait Iya :)
Hahaha it still sounds weird to me, pri. Iya -.-'

Hmm okay lets see.
What happened in school, *thinking*
Sukan Tara started today ;)

We did Lontar Peluru. Hehehehehe I got 2 points :D
See even a so called 'skinny' person can do it! Bluek! :P
2 points is the highest point =)
Go Jentayu! <3

And because we ran and threw, by recess time, my stomach was grumbling. :/
Sya's too. So we ate and drank :D
We bought a drink in the school canteen! First time this year :)

Bio was soooo boring.
Physics was okay.
My Phy partner is Jo!

We go waaaay back :) Hahhaha

*ohmygod! My second cousin is on TV! Like, regularly!
-.-' haihhh*


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