Monday, January 4, 2010

Saya malu

rian :)

Hahahaha. -.-'

I got up around 6 today :D
Wow. Haven't done that in a while.
Haven't slept at 12.30 in a while too.

As soon as I was stepping on the tapak perhimpunan,
I started looking for 4A
and right there, I saw a librarian with a COLORFUL backpack
with white tudung standing in front of another librarian.

Hahaha I knew right away that was EDA!
While lining up, I asked the same question;
Are you sure I'm in this class? 4A? Are you one HUNDRED percent sureeeee?
And they said; Ya Allah YE LAH ILLA!

Hehehe sorrryyyy, I can't help but be nervous :)
So I checked the list with my own EYES
and yes I am in 4Amanah. Weee! xD

We waited anxiously for Guan to open the zinc classroom door.
And Shu Ting without her glasses came up to us and said, while pointing to each of us;
Aisyah ?*points* Nabilah. *points* Ismah? *points to Eda*
Hahaha then sya said to her; Shu ting!!!
hahahhahaa xD

Haha when Guan finally manage to open the lock,
we rushed inside to book a seat.
Ended up laughing histerically xD
BECAUSE, they weren't any chairs and tables.
Hahaha pity us 4As. Have to sit on the floor -.-'
Hahahha. So we moved to the lab.

My table is; Darsh Shash Guan Ismah Me Qin Sarah and Eda?? (i'm not sure about this)
Apparently, most of us were from 3A! Woot woot!
I have new classmates too and some of my old classmates are
no longer my classmates :'(
Anyway 4Amanah consist of 3A & 3B 2009. Haha :D

During recess I saw, Tini! Waaah she's a malurian now! :D
And, Priyaaa!! and and John!! :D *he owes me a bubbletea ;)

Also, met new teachers :)
Oh and we have our first homework form Pn.Viji.
An essay on My Hero. Minimum 365 words.
How the hell am I suppose to write a 365 words essay on MY HERO?
-.-' *shakes head*
Best part is, Miss Tang is teaching us Add Maths! <3

After school, walked with Liy
when Johan asked Isaac,Saros and I to chill and hang around school for a bit.
So I said okay and told them to wait for me then walked with Liy.
Met ZOL! hahaha dah sesi pagi dah kau baguss :D
Said bye bye to Sya and Ismah then to Liy.

They were waiting for me at SK.
So we chatted and stuff, then Isaac said;
Bajet ah tu. budak 4A -.-'
I said; Sape bajet haaaa ? :P
aww I'm going to miss them. takpe,
after school kite hang out eh korang ? :D

School was boring but I got to meet my friends :)
*thumbs up*


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